A city at night with a lot of lights.

Exclusive rates Hotel Deals in Vancouver

We understand that travelling and accommodations can be expensive in Vancouver. This is why we are proud to offer a variety of discounts and promotions to assist guests booking with us directly. Whether you're planning an extended stay,  senior, or CAA/AAA  travel , browse our special hotel deals.

Stay Longer, Save More

Extended Stay rate

We know that staying for a long period can be costly. That's why we're offering exclusive hotel deals in Vancouver for stays of one week or longer. Enjoy our comfortable and spacious accommodations for less while still receiving all the amenities and services at the best hotel in Vancouver Downtown.

A woman in a white shirt and tie is talking to another woman.
A man and a woman are looking out over the water.
Enjoy the Best of Vancouver for Less

seniors 55+ cAA/BCAA/AAA member

Don't miss out on the chance to stay in the heart of Vancouver for less. Seniors & BCAA members get a discount as a special thank you for choosing Century Plaza Hotel. Enjoy our luxurious accommodations and exceptional services at a discounted price that fits your budget.

Stay CLose and Comfortable

Medical Stays

It’s important to provide exceptional care for our guests with medical needs. We offer discounted rates for patients and their families who need to stay near the  St. Paul's Hospital. Our hotel is conveniently located right beside St. Paul’s, and our caring staff is ready to provide you with personalized service and comfort during your stay.

Monthly stays are also available, please call the hotel direct 1-800-663-1818

Rates are subject to availability at the time of your booking.

A woman with a stethoscope is talking to a man.